FEMTC 2024 in Kansas City, MO and online | Sept 18-20.


Binyaney Ha'uma Railway Station and Tunnel

Submission by: Alex Kline, Rolf Jensen & Associates

The Binyaney Ha'uma Railway Station and Tunnel is the underground portion of a commuter subway system that will connect Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel.

Binyaney Ha`uma Railway Station and Tunnel Smokeview
Binyaney Ha`uma Railway Station and Tunnel Smokeview

The tunnel is approximately 1 mile long and terminates at the passenger station which will be located approximately 200 feet below the streets of Jerusalem.

Binyaney Ha`uma Railway Station and Tunnel PyroSim
Binyaney Ha`uma Railway Station and Tunnel PyroSim

RJA provided fire modeling services for the entire railway station and tunnel to assess the impact a train fire developing in either the station or tunnel on the proposed smoke control system.

NOTE: RJA has become Jensen Hughes since this post was made in 2010.