FEMTC 2024 in Kansas City, MO and online | Sept 18-20.


Pressurization studies for smoke control solutions

Build 3D pressure zone models for stairwells, atrium spaces, and underground buildings using CONTAM in a modern UI.

Take confidence in smoke control simulation

Build zone geometry and flow paths painlessly.
Edit your 3D model with an efficient and intuitive interface.
Manage multiple scenarios and avoid errors.

View Ventus Features

Deliver pressurization answers from your existing building information.

Import CAD geometry

Import CAD models or floorplans to build geometry. Easily understand and navigate your model. Quickly designate flow paths.

Design simulations in 3D

Build in an application tailored to avoiding errors and mistakes. See your realistic model as you work and easily investigate details through intelligent UI.

Simulate multiple ambient conditions

Easily compare results for varying outdoor conditions. Maintain multiple simulation configurations for sensitivity analyses and multiple scenarios.

Deliver answers quickly

Create data reports for all configured scenarios. Provide increased certainty that your inputs are valid and deliver the proper solution.

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Documentation and tutorials ready to help you advance

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CONTAM + Ventus

Model a safer world

Ventus is designed to provide a pressurization simulation for smoke control analysis. The simulation is performed by CONTAM, an open-source application maintained and developed by NIST.

Like PyroSim and FDS, Ventus provides a premium user experience for industry leading simulation software. By utilizing our expertise in delivering 3D modeling applications for fire protection eningeering, Ventus will exceed the demands of CONTAM users who want to accelerate their smoke control projects.

  1. Ventus allows users to build 3D models of pressure zones based on actual building geometry.
  2. Ventus manages multi-variable scenarios for simplified batch CONTAM simulation and analysis.
  3. Ventus tabulates results data for multiple scenarios into digestible CSV data and 3D visuals.

Whether for stairwells, atriums, or underground buildings, proper air handling systems must be designed for pressurized smoke control in case of emergency. Ventus provides a clear and efficient path from modeling a building to understanding temperatures, pressures, and densities so that the proper solution can be reached.

Thunderhead Engineering supports you every step of the way. Whether you want in-depth training or self-taught materials, you can learn performance-based design modeling with greater efficiency and proficiency. We design our software for anyone to learn, and our customers are delighted when our support team helps them succeed.


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