FEMTC 2024 in Kansas City, MO and online | Sept 18-20.


Other Tools

Over the years Thunderhead Engineering has been involved in the development of various products that are still generally available, but are no longer the primary focus of our development efforts.


Thunderhead Engineering developed graphical tools for simulating nonisothermal multiphase flow and transport in fractured and porous media. PetraSim has been handed off to our long-time partner Rockware to continue sales, support and development.

Visit the PetraSim page for more information.


Thunderhead Engineering developed software and completed a project for the American Petroleum Institute to evaluate the relative strengths of the roof-to-shell and shell-to-floor joints.

Visit the SafeRoof page for more information.


Thunderhead helped distribute a program to help digitize data from a scanned image and use convenient copy/paste data transfer to spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Visit the DigXY page for more information.