FEMTC 2024 in Kansas City, MO and online | Sept 18-20.


Early Registration Discount Extended for FEMTC 2022

We've just expanded the conference agenda to include two additional speakers and are therefore extending the early registration discount one additional week. If you haven't yet registered for FEMTC 2022, now is the best opportunity to do so! We will be in Brno, Czech Republic from September 12-14 while also broadcasting live to a global virtual audience.

Image of Brno's street scene in the evening at sunset.

FEMTC, the Fire and Evacuation Modeling Technical Conference, focuses on bringing together professionals from industry and academia to present and discuss leading ideas and projects around the world. Thunderhead Engineering will host FEMTC for the sixth time since the inaugural event in 2011. If you would like to watch past events, our FEMTC archives contain videos, presentation files, and papers dating back to the beginning.

Early registration is now extended until July 22.